Dependency Injection

Dependency injection for JavaScript in simple terms is a way of injecting references to a module or library in a constructor / factory function. This allows the modules dependencies to be easily mocked during testing.

Why Dependency Injection

To help visualize why dependency injection is nice for larger projects we can create our own example below:

Naive approach:

// module-a.js

var dependency1 = require('/some/dependency');
var dependency2 = require('/some/dependency');

function ModuleA() {
  this.db = dependency1.initialize();
  this.user = dependency2.createUser();

module.exports = ModuleA;

In order to test ModuleA you would need to have both dependency1 and dependency2 available and configured. The more dependencies you have the harder this becomes to test. Now lets see this same module but with a simple dependency injection pattern.

Using dependency injection:

// module-a.js

function ModuleA(dependency1, dependency2) {
  this.db = dependency1.initialize();
  this.user = dependency2.createUser();

module.exports = ModuleA;

You simply pass ModuleA its dependencies as arguments through its constructor. You can mock these dependencies now instead of directly requiring them when testing.