.use(name, ...args)


  1. name (String): The key you want to find in the IoC container.
  2. args (Mixed) optional: Any additional argument you want to pass to the factory function of the binded object.


(Object): The bound object from the IoC container.


Grabs a object from the IoC container. If the object was added with .bind it will return a new instance of that object, if it was binded with .singleton then it will be the same instance every time.

var Ioc = require('b-ioc');

var fooInstance = Ioc.use('foo');

.use can be called inside of .bind or .singleton to pull in additional dependencies from the IoC container. In this case it does matter if dep1 was registered before or after the foo binding, as long as its been registered b-ioc will find it.

var Ioc = require('b-ioc');

Ioc.bind('foo', function() {
  var dep1 = Ioc.use('dep1');
  return new Foo(dep1);

Resolving Dependencies

Resolving dependencies is a sequential process and will happen in the following order:

  1. Looks inside the IoC container for values binded with .bind
  2. Looks inside the IoC container for values binded with .singleton
  3. Tries requiring from node_modules based on supplied key

Cyclic Dependencies

Cyclic dependencies are tracked in b-ioc and will throw an error if they are attempted.

Automatic Dependency Injection

b-ioc does not use any introspecting to automatically resolve dependencies based on argument names passed into constructors. b-ioc is meant to be as explicit as possible so you can always have 100% clarity on what you are pulling in as dependencies.