

  1. class (Function): The class you want to get an instance of and inject dependencies into


.make handles dependency injection a bit more implicitly. You simply pass it a class and b-ioc will inject all needed dependencies into the class's constructor. These dependencies are defined from a static .inject method.

var Ioc = require('b-ioc');

function DBModule(config) {
  this.config = config;

DBModule.inject = function() {
  return ['config'];

// config dependency will be resolve from the IoC container
var dbInstance = Ioc.make(DBModule);

Note that all dependencies defined in the .inject method must be present in the IoC container or an error will be thrown.

If you need to pass the dependencies any arguments you can use an object instead of a string inside of the .inject array:

function Namer(name) {
  this.name = name;

function User(namer) {
  this.name = namer.name;

User.inject = function() {
  return [{
    key: 'namer', // name of key in IoC container
    args: ['Yeezus'] // arguments you want to pass binding

Ioc.bind('namer', function(name) {
  return new Namer(name);

var user = Ioc.make(User);

// :$ Yeezus